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New Generation of CO2 Laser Optical Fiber Computer Embroidery Cutting Equipment Launched by Our Company

Company News
2018/04/24 12:46
As the first global innovation, the technique of “delivering CO2 Laser Energy Optical Fiber” could be applied to embroidery cutting technology

As the first global innovation, the technique of “delivering CO2 Laser Energy Optical Fiber” could be applied to embroidery cutting technology! Since the first generation of “CO2 Laser Optical Fiber Computer Embroidery Cutting Equipment launched by our company in the early 2013, it has gained full attentions and popularity from customers in the embroidery field. So we’ve decided to launch a new generation of this product in the spring of 2015, in order to satisfy more demands from our customers for the past year.

The new product boasts its better laser stability, much thinner facula, more effective blow-off system and more energy-saving electronic control. It’s able to embrace more delicate quality of the laser embroidery, cut combustible cloth with no spark, fine tune the focal positions much simpler and enable the blow-off and smoke evacuation systems more energy-saving and durable, which have already been affirmed and recognized by our customers.